Activity Results

Visit by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Executive Director for Operations McCree

October 24, 2017
Japan Nuclear Safety Institute

On October 17, 2017, JANSI was visited by four representatives of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), including Executive Director for Operations Victor McCree.

The NRC is cooperating with its Japanese counterpart’s plan to introduce a new inspection system through information provision and human resources development based on the prior example of the US.

This visit was arranged because McCree wanted to get the operator’s perspective on this system directly. In addition to JANSI, meeting participants included the Federation of Electric Power Companies (FEPC) and the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry’s (CRIEPI) Nuclear Risk Research Center (NRRC), and there was a lively exchange of opinions about the ongoing consultation with the regulator.

McCree’s advice to the Japanese operators included to be engaged from the early stages of system building onward, to exchange information with US operators, to invest in human resources development and other means of improving performance, to use coaching by US experts, to engage during the trial operation stage, and to conduct surveys on the prior example of the US.

Administrator McCree (center)