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Meeting with an EDF executive in regard to post-Fukushima safety measures

Dec. 20, 2012
Japan Nuclear Safety Institute

On October 29, 2012 the Japan Nuclear Safety Institute (JANSI, formerly the Japan Nuclear Technology Institute) invited Dominique Miniere, head of nuclear power generation at the Electricite de France (EDF) and held a meeting in Otemachi, Tokyo where we shared our thoughts with each other about the status of implementation of safety measures at EDF in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident.

This meeting was made possible as Takao Fujie, President and CEO of JANSI, has an association with Mr. Miniere, and EDF. Executives from 10 Japanese electric companies that operate nuclear power stations in Japan attended the meeting at which an eager exchange of opinions between participants followed Mr. Miniere’s keynote address.

An introduction of the efforts currently underway at nuclear power stations in Japan was given by the Japanese side and the meeting turned out to be an excellent opportunity to deepen mutual understanding in regards to efforts to improve the safety of nuclear power stations.
